MUDr. Šárka Stiborová - Plastic surgery in Brno


A facelift is a procedure in which the signs of aging of the face and neck are removed using a surgical technique.

During the facial aging process, the elasticity and hydration of the skin deteriorates. In addition, the number of facial fat bags decreases, they move to lower positions on the face and with this are associated visible manifestations- deepening of nasolabial folds, drooping of the corners of the mouth, the appearance of bags at the angle of the lower jaw.

Factors that exacerbate and accelerate aging are thinning of the skin, loss of facial adipose tissue, gravity, sun damage, smoking, stress, and, last but not least, hereditary predispositions.

On the neck, aging is manifested by hanging skin, a double chin may develop, and a change in the angle between the lower jaw and neck.

The fillers are then injected into the skin using a very thin special needle; the procedure is not very painful and can therefore be performed without anaesthesia, using locally applied anaesthetic creams or under so-called conscious anaesthesia, when the nerve supplying the treated area is numbed by injection.

Recently, very popular mini-vascular rejuvenation procedures - such as the application of Botox, fillers, facelift threads - do not achieve as great an after-effect as surgery, but can delay the time when it is appropriate to perform a facelift for the best result.



Facelift - stárnutí obličeje

Who is a suitable candidate?

A facelift is a procedure suitable for men and women, usually aged 40 and older, who want to restore a youthful facial appearance. However, it can also be performed on younger people if they develop loose skin in the face and neck area earlier than normal. All clients must undergo an initial consultation to select the appropriate type of procedure, as well as a pre-operative examination - they must meet the medical requirements to undergo the surgery.

The course of the procedure


The procedure is most often performed with a combination of local anaesthesia and intravenous administration of sedatives - the so-called neuroleptanalgesia. An anaesthesiologist is present during the operation to keep you in a light sleep and monitor your general condition, you do not receive general anaesthesia here. At the same time, the surgeon numbs the operated area with a local anaesthetic. With this anaesthetic option, you are hospitalised for 1 day.

The procedure can also be performed on an outpatient basis (without hospitalization) using only local anaesthesia - especially for MACS lift.

Surgical procedure and surgical incisions

Depending on the choice of the ideal surgical technique for you - which may be

skin incisions are chosen.

Traditional facelift

A traditional facelift has an incision placed in front of the bolster, extending into the hairline above and behind the bolster. Then, preparation and correction of the musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) of the face is performed. Removal of excess skin and suture.

Tradiční facelift

MACS lift

MACS lift abbreviation stands for Minimal Access Cranial Suspension. This type of facelift is a modern, less invasive procedure, leaving a short scar only in front of the pinna and in the temple area. 'Cranial suspension' means that the deeper tissue layer of the cheek (called SMAS) is lifted with an internal suture and fixed vertically upwards, thus fighting directly against gravity.

MACS lift

Closure of surgical wounds

Incisions are sutured with absorbable sutures, a drain is placed in the wound for 1–2 days, the wound is covered with sterile gauze and fixed with an elastic bandage or elastic fixation halter. Remains of sutures are removed in about 1–2 weeks.

Postoperative course and outcome

The dressing and removal of the suction drain is performed 1–2 days after surgery, 5–10 days it is necessary to wear elastic compression.

A few days after the procedure, it is advisable to lie in a semi-sitting position preferably on the back and cool the operated areas through a bandage. After the facelift, minor hematomas and swelling may occur, which usually improve within 10-14 days. Numbness and skin tension, pinching sensation, dry skin, increased hair loss in the operated area may persist longer.

After Facelift, it is usual to return to normal activities in about 2–3 weeks. Limit physical exertion for 3–4 weeks after surgery.

Price list

Surgical procedure Specification Price
Facelift under general anaesthesia 1 night hospitalization from 70 000 CZK
MACS lift under local anaesthesia   42 000 CZK
Facial rejuvenation with own fat   18 000 CZK

Na co se nejčastěji ptáte

Jde o plastickou operaci obličeje, která zmírňuje známky stárnutí obličeje a krku.

Pomocí řezů kolem boltců se vypne pokožka a podkožní svaly a kožní přebytky se odstraní.

Jde o plastickou operaci části obličeje (nejčastěji dolní poloviny tváře). Probíhá v lokální anestezii a je šetrnější a méně rizikový než klasický facelift.

Klasický facelift trvá 3 až 4 hodiny.

Jde o operaci v celkové anestezii.

Vyhýbejte se fyzické námaze a dodržujte klidový režim. Zhruba po 2 až 3 týdnech se můžete navrátit k běžným činnostem.

Běžné jsou mírné bolesti, otoky a modřiny, které obvykle odezní do 14 dní.

Můžete je chladit studenými obklady, ledovat nebo ošetřovat doporučenými mastmi.

3 až 4 měsíce po operaci se nedoporučuje opalování ani solárium. Pokud slunci obličej vystavujete, je nutné použít krémy s vysokým faktorem.

Ne, v dnešní době už se většinou používají samovstřebávací stehy a ty zmizí nejpozději za 1 měsíc.

Hodně to závisí na dodržování doporučení lékaře, životosprávě a životním stylu, ale průměrně efekt trvá kolem 10 let.

Are you interested in a consultation?

Arrange a no-obligation meeting to discuss a possible solution to your idea.